Type of real estate in the projectOffices for rent
Project statusactive
Project nameLomnice Private
Number of properties in the project33
Type of real estate in the projectHoliday cottages
LocationVeľká Lomnica
Project statusactive
Project nameVesna apartmány
Number of properties in the project22
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
Project statusactive
Project nameSekvoja
Number of properties in the project42
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
LocationNová baňa
Project statusactive
Project namePri jazere
Number of properties in the project26
Type of real estate in the projectFamily houses + Plots
LocationZálesie (Senec)
Project statusactive
Project nameKubániho dvory
Number of properties in the project112
Type of real estate in the projectApartments + Commercial spaces
Project statusactive
Project nameSvätý Martin
Number of properties in the project80
Type of real estate in the projectFamily houses + Plots
LocationSpišské Podhradie
Project statusactive
Projects in preparation
Project nameGeologická
Number of properties in the project4
Type of real estate in the projectFamily houses
LocationPodunajské Biskupice
Project statusin preparation
Project nameKostiviarska
Number of properties in the project700
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
LocationBanská Bystrica
Project statusin preparation
Project namePegas Hron
Number of properties in the project60
Type of real estate in the projectApartments + Administrative spaces
LocationBanská Bystrica
Project statusin preparation
Project namePaludzka
Number of properties in the project32
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
LocationLiptovský Mikuláš
Project statusin preparation
Project nameVysoká
Number of properties in the project6
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
Project statusin preparation
Project nameBalady
Number of properties in the project53
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
LocationBanská Bystrica
Project statusin preparation
Project nameRázsochy
Number of properties in the project17
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
Project statusin preparation
Project nameRiver
Number of properties in the project80
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
Project statusin preparation
Completed projects
Project namePetelen
Number of properties in the project77
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
LocationBanská Bystrica
Project statusdone
Project namePod Pšenom
Number of properties in the project37
Type of real estate in the projectFamily houses
LocationMost pri Bratislave
Project statusdone
Project nameMoskovská
Number of properties in the project6
Type of real estate in the projectApartments
LocationBratislava – Staré mesto
Project statusdone
Project nameKollárka
Number of properties in the project15
Type of real estate in the projectApartments + Commercial spaces
Project statusdone
Project nameKozia
Number of properties in the project8
Type of real estate in the projectApartments + Commercial spaces
LocationBratislava – Staré mesto
Project statusdone
Project nameRodinné domy Stožok
Number of properties in the project6
Type of real estate in the projectFamily houses
Project statusdone
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